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Theflash is the Captain of the crew Lost, and king of the flag Lost on the Ice Ocean. Legend has it that this seafaring, fearless, adventurer would venture into Atlantis on a longship accompanied only by his first mate LucyDiamond and defeat fierce creatures of the deep. He led his crew on many voyages and adventures, earning him a respected name all through out the Ice Ocean. To this day no one knows the whereabouts of the prominent captain, or his trusty first mate and companion Lucydiamond , some say his longship can still be seen in the horizon sailing away from Atlantis with a hold full of riches, others say they have seen the fearless buccaneers in the local taverns wagering on a treasure drop game or Swordfighting to the hearts content, but one thing is certain, these two pirate captains were the most feared captains on the Ice Ocean and their legend will live on throughout the seven seas for eternity!

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