The Sith Lords

From YPPedia
The Sith Lords at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Anhk
Senior Officer(s) Akkiri, Blackmax, Gfono, Kelvaan, Nirenas, Rarekins
Politics Democratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 25 December, 2006
Dormant as of 18 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

The Sith Lords is a crew that sails the Hunter Ocean. The crew currently flies the flag of The Pirates.


The Sith Lords was founded by Doomslay on 25 December, 2006.

By August of 2007 The captaincy of The Sith Lords had passed from Doomslay to Enina and then to Anhk.

Public Statement

We are the mighty sith lords! Those who stand in our way shall perish before the might of the dark side!

By the way, in case you were wondering, the properties of our crew colors are as follows. All crew colors are either opaque or transparent. Translucent colors are considered insufficient for our crew. If you ask for any other properties of the crew colors, you will probably be ignored.

Promotion Requirements

  • Cabin Person: If you want to be a Cabin Person on The Sith Lords, just ask any officer, and we'll be happy to have you onboard!
  • Pirate: We reward those who work and train their stats. Therefore, to be a pirate on the Sith Lords, you must have at least 3 broads (skill levels doesn't matter), or 1 solid and 1 broad. These skills MUST be in one of the ship-based puzzles! (bilging, sailing, carpentry, gunning, navigation).
  • Officer: To be an officer, you must have access to the Navigate With The Navy mission, and pass the crew's officer test. (win 3 battles while sailing with an SO or the captain), as well as having been in the crew for more than a week - this is to ensure that we A) can trust you and B) get to know you.
    • Do NOT ask to become officer! If you gain the title of Midshipman, it means that we want you to train for officer, but it's not a title we give on demand. Begging for officer-ship is a surefire way to NOT become one.
  • Fleet Officer: If you wish to be a fleet officer, you must have excellent stats (Acess to the Defeat The Brigands Mission, and nothing less than Distinguished in at least THREE of the ship-puzzles), ownership of a ship, and be trusted by the senior officers and the captain.

However, while owning multiple ships can/will help you with your rank, we value fun and pleasant people over rich. If you're extremely mean, sour and evil against other crewmates, we will not hesitate in kick you out of the crew, even if you own 10 Grand Frigates.

Also, we always look at your current pirate, even if you're the alt of a pirate holding the Ultimate Of Ultimates trophy...

Sincerely, Enina of the Mad

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