The Ryoukenza

From YPPedia
The Ryoukenza at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Dispositions
Senior Officer(s) Dmitri, Rellya, Zurentose, Captainbliss, Zelriku, Drasulia, Fionachan, Lylly
Politics Autocratic
Shares Officer Club
Flag Affiliation The Vampiric Council
Dormant or disbanded as of 5 October, 2006

The Ryoukenza was founded on August 1, 2005.

The name "Ryoukenza" means the hunting dogs, refering to the constellation. This reveals that the crew is so different, so spread out, so large and overhanging, but they all create one image that shines brightly. But no, sadly, they are not on fire.

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