The Red Robins

From YPPedia
The Red Robins at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Powney
Senior Officer(s) Pinkeye, Slapface
Politics Autocratic
Shares The Cruel Shelf
Flag Affiliation None
Disbanded as of 29 August, 2007

The Red Robins was an independent crew that sailed the Sage Ocean.


The Red Robins was founded by Powney and Pinkeye in early 2006. Fhe first sloop bought was called the Deceitful Mullet with help from Pinkeye. The debt was repaid to Pinkeye on 25th July 2006. Pinkeye, a Senior Officer bought a War Brig on the 12th August 2006 to accomadate the growing crew

By August of 2007 the crew had disbanded.

Public Statement

Powney plans to join a flag once the crew becomes Rumoured Sailors. This will be accomplished once the new war brig is pillaged on and the crew gains more popularity. No flags have appealed yet to the Red Robins so any flag will be joined.