The Midnight Sirens

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The Midnight Sirens at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Lightingbird
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation What The Frigate
Founded 11 June, 2012
Last updated on 09 July, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

The Midnight Sirens is a crew on the Emerald Ocean belonging to the flag What The Frigate. It was created on June 11th 2012. It was founded by Lightingbird, Mollisk, and Charmey.

Public statement

From the isles of the Emerald Sea, The Midnight Sirens would shine like the moon at night. We, the sirens foretold in stories across the seas. We shall inherit the reward of marvelous adventures during our nightly routines.

Extended public statement

=========== General Information ===========

Ahoy there reader! This is your Captain speaking, this crew is full of friendly Sirens! We don't have any over powering leaders, we keep this crew fair and friendly at all times. Love to pillage? Of course you do! So come on in and join the Midnight Sirens! We would love to have you onboard! -Fair winds from your Captain Lightingbird!

====== Midnight Sirens Rank Information ======

Pirate - Obtained upon joining the crew as a full member.

Officer - In order to obtain this rank you must have 3 broads in any of the following: Sailing, Rigging, Bilge, Carpentry and Gunning.

Fleet officer - In order to obtain this rank you must have the following: An deed to a ship (optional, but is recommended), Broad/Proficient in Battle Navigation, Captain and Senior officers trust.

Senior Officer - This rank is only obtainable by the Captain and Senior Officer's trust, experience in the crew, run a successful pillage.

====== Midnight Sirens Title Information =======

All members will be given the title "Siren" upon joining the crew. Titles can be change to your desire just contact a Fleet Officer or above for a change.

- Titles for any sirens

Alchemist, Bait, Bilge Rat, Blacksmith, Bowsman, Builder, Card Sharp, Carpenter, Cook, Counselor, Damsel, Distiller, Drunk, Fisherman, Flirt, Forager, Furnisher, Gunner, Lookout, Mascot, Midshipman, Monster Hunter, Muse, Poet, Profiteer, Roustabout, Sailmaster, Scapegoat Shipwright, Siren, Surgeon, Swordsman, Tailor, Urchin, Weaver, Wench.

- Titles for Offficers and Above only

Ambassasor, Boatswain, Bosun, Cartographer, Diplomat, Explorer, Navigator, Politician, Purser, Quartermaster, Scribe, Steward, Strategist, Tactician, Taskmaster, Trader, Treasure.

- Titles given by Captain's approval only

First mate & Lieutenant

========== Midnight Sirens Rules ===========

1. Respect all crew members and jobbers regardless of ranks. Remember you are a Siren, Always set a good example!

2. Do not steal. If you plan to use unlock your ship for the crew members to use to avoid conflicts with stealing. So Please empty the stock and everything you have onboard and please leave a message on the Officers notice board about restocking informations.

3. Racist comments and foul language in attempts to hurt a member will not be tolerated!

4. Be friendly with each other, we are a friendly based crew, No drama allowed.

5. Never give up during battles at seas, Keep fighting!

6. Do not ask for promotions unless you are complete the requirements.

7. When pillaging be sure to restock before setting sail. There will be some ships that other sirens kindly let other use. Don't set sail without stocking.

8. Do not beg to the crew for poe, doubloons, or anything else relevant. That belongs in the Inns.

9. Try you best not to abandon your fellow Sirens at sea during pillages.

10. Have fun and conquer the seas!

More Information on rules/consquences in Private Statement