The Lightbringers

From YPPedia
The Lightbringers at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Oneeyefrank
Senior Officer(s) Capinal, Excalibar, Widdley, Ashlys, Clarenson, Codjohn, Deathsworth, Lladynot, Skellieboney, Unconscious
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Lords of Light
Founded 14 January, 2007
Dormant as of 18 May, 2009

The Lightbringers is a crew on the Sage Ocean which belongs to the flag Lords of Light.

The crew is very hard working and friendly. Captain Oneeyefrank worked hard to make it. He invites everyone to his crew - all are welcome, they just have to ask any officer of the crew.

Lightbringers will like always to merge with crews (if Oneeyefrank still will be captain).

Crew motto: Fear doesn't make heros.

All dark forces beware, The Lightbringers are already hunting them.

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