The Gallows

From YPPedia
The Gallows at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Poot
Senior Officer(s) Lexias, Ruthven
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Anonymity
Founded 13 January, 2006
Disbanded as of 21 August, 2007

The Gallows was a crew that sailed the Cobalt Ocean. The crew flew the flag of Anonymity.

The crew is centered around qualtity pillaging and recruiting and aims to be friendly and fun at all times. Huggles come with joining the crew.


The Gallows was founded by Poot on Friday, 13 January, 2006.

By August of 2007 the crew had disbanded.

Public statement

AHOY! If you would like to pillage with us, we promise to make at least reasonable booty, and have tons of fun while doing so. If you have the common sense to join the crew, contact any officer or above and you will be accepted. We aim to have fun... drama, fights, and jerks do not belong in this crew. Anyhow, once you join (you know you want to) and have earned the trust and friendship of the crew, you will be promoted as long as you meet the requirements listed a couple paragraphs below.

Everyone is fair game in pvp and pillaging, if you are just trading TOO BAD! If you run, we will chase. Don't even bother asking for a disengage, it isn't gonna happen. Once our fleet and crew grows we hope to become a dominating force on this ocean.

Crew articles

  1. Don't ask to gun, a gunner will be appointed.
  2. Don't ask to navigate, the commanding officer will appoint a navigater if he/she themselves decide not to.
  3. Don't ask when the ship will port.
  4. Don't ask for booty in the middle of the pillage you will get it regaurdless of if you are there when and ONLY when we port #which will be at the end of the pillage.
  5. Don't laze on a ship or leave in battle you will be planked and your booty share decreased.

Promotion requirements

  • Cabin Person: Just join!
  • Pirate: Just subscribe and tell a senior officer or above!
  • Officer: Earn the trust of the majority of the officers, or 2 SO, or the captain and attain at least 2 masters and 3 broads in Pirating skills
  • Fleet Officer: After a week as officer, if you prove your worth in a test and in your general duties you will be promoted to FO.
  • Senior Officer: This is the highest attainable rank. To achieve this title you must have at least 1 Legendary or 2 Grand Masters in pirating stats as well as at least broad in all pirating skills including navigation, gunning, battle navigation, and rumble as well as be able to host pillages very competantly.