The Eighth Brigand

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The Eighth Brigand at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Roseatte
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 1 January, 2010
Dormant or disbanded as of 18 January, 2010
Favicon.png Crew Info

The Eighth Brigand was an independent crew on the Midnight Ocean.


Public Statement

The first crew of the decade

Extended Public Statement

Oh there's Azarbad the Great and Barnabas the Pale,

there's Admiral Finius and Brynhild Skullsplitter,

there's Gretchen Goldfang and the Widow Queen,

there's Vargas the Mad and then there's us.

Seven Brigand Kings, and we make EIGHT.

Respect eachother and get respected,

Watch out for eachother and get watched out for,

Be yourself and except others for who they are,

Trust the OICs and let the OICs trust you,

Make poe and have fun!!!!!

Moving up is based on how much the captain can trust you, how much effort you make towards the crew and how much you set the example for others.

It's about the poe.

It's about the fun.

But it's mostly about the poe.

Crew colors are Navy/Maroon.