The Courage of Hunter

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The Courage of Hunter at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Dung
Senior Officer(s) Mooniez
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation The Courageous Swords
Founded 11 April, 2009
Dormant as of 19 July, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

The Courage of Hunter is a crew that sails the Hunter Ocean. The crew was founded by Dung and Jackkow (currently on vacation, Topgunner is his brother) and currently flies the flag of The Courageous Swords.

Public Statement

Have fun :)

Extended Public Statement

Ahoy ye Scurvy Dogs


Icon cabin person.png Cabin person: Punishment rank

Icon pirate.png Pirate: Automatic for pirates who join.

Icon officer.png Officer: Trust, and good stats (i.e. 3 broads and 1 respected)

Icon fleet officer.png Fleet officer: Good stats (i.e. 5 broads and 2 respected) and trust, ship will help but not required.

Icon senior officer.png Senior officer: Most stats Master+ (5 broads and 3 solids). Tons of trust, must be at least 2 weeks on the crew, pirates who have a war frigate or grand frigate will be a senior officer in 4 days... cannot be promoted to this when pirates have just joined.

Icon captain.png Captain: 5000000000 doubloons or 1000000 grand frigates

(Do not ask to be promoted because the crew knows when pirates are ready.)

Crew members may be promoted even if they do not meet the requirements.


  • Do not abandon ship at sea (Punishment: Rank down to cabin person)
  • Do not abandon ship at battle (Punishment: Rank down to cabin person)
  • Restock all unlocked ships after usage (Punishment: Rank down to pirate)
  • Follow orders of the senior officers and captain (No punishment)
  • Have fun! (No punishment)

Pirates who would like to join should just ask Dung or Jackkow, or even the other senior officers.