Template talk:Portraitshipheader

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Ship-based portraits can have a pilot, if someone takes the helm before it the portrait easel is entered. It reads as follows: Commissioned by Tilinka on the fine vessel Cuddly Rudd piloted by Shakespeare. Chupchup 15:36, 25 July 2012 (PDT)

I did not know this. That make this option even more amusing. -- Franklincain (t/c) 15:44, 25 July 2012 (PDT)


(I'm yanking this out of my User:Talk page, and putting it directly here, since this will be the most logical place to have this documented...) -- Franklincain (t/c) 15:49, 25 July 2012 (PDT)

There is a (cost) specified in these articles. Are you promoting services where fees are exchanged by players where nothing is placed in the trade window? While it is all well and good for individual pirates to arrange these ad-hoc trades by themselves, Ocean Masters have repeatedly reminded us that they will not enforce transactions that did not occur by using the trade window; those who feel ripped off by a verbal agreement have no recourse to file a complaint against the other party. This may be fine for a forum-based thread in which individual players can negotiate fees, but I am just concerned that making YPPedia pages for it and encoding a "Cost" field gives an air of official support to something that is not officially supported. Chupchup 15:41, 25 July 2012 (PDT)

I just stumbled across this project that someone else had been working on a while ago. Since I liked the idea, I decided to finish it for him. But to address your point...
(Quoting): "Replace ... SHIP_USE_FEE with how much you want to charge..."
If someone wants to offer a service for a fee, I see nothing wrong with them being up-front about that fee. But I am not offering to enforce this or any other agreement between pirates.
Thanks. -- Franklincain (t/c) 15:49, 25 July 2012 (PDT)
Perhaps then we should remove the "Cost" field from the template and instead note in the text, "If pirates wish to negotiate a fee, that is between them." so that people do not feel obligated to set a fee or declare that it is free of charge. It's just one more field to become out of date, anyway. Chupchup 16:02, 25 July 2012 (PDT)
Speaking on my own behalf, both as someone willing to offer this service and as someone who might want to use this kind of service in the future, I'd prefer such a cost be listed up-front. It looks more honest that way, to me. -- Franklincain (t/c) 16:06, 25 July 2012 (PDT)
Addendum -- I have no objection to having some sort of "not approved/licensed/endorsed/supported/enforced by Three Rings" caveat added into the header-page template. If you think we really need one, let's go ahead and start writing one. -- Franklincain (t/c) 16:09, 25 July 2012 (PDT)
2nd addendum -- Just realized, there's already an existing precedent for documenting fees-for-services here in the wiki --> Avatar artists. -- Franklincain (t/c) 16:21, 25 July 2012 (PDT)