
From YPPedia
Trinkets button.png
Prestigious naval medal
Item box unequip.png
Colors-trinket-Prestigious naval medal.png

Current Rank
Icon senior officer.png Senior Officer
Flag Title

Icon royalty.png Prince
Crew Title
Navy Rank

Tasfine is very calm and his preferred work is going to help newer pirates. In the beginning of his career, he worked for several crews, and remained with Deadly Vipers, under command of Nicola, where was promoted to officer.

Tasfine was invited by Terminator to be a senior officer in his crew, which Tasfine accepted. The crew merged with the Saurons Revenge, a crew which was predominantly hungarian. Tasfine remained a senior officer and showed his value, reaching the navy rank of admiral. He is one of the oldest officers of this crew.

Although Tasfine became an officer very early, he never asked to be promoted. Always he was recognized for his value, work and loyalty.

Finaly he find a portuguese flag and many sorrys to Mightysauron but despite of BwB stay in 1º place he change to his nature language BIG LEGION it commanded by Faisca.


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