Talk:Warriors Of The Deep

From YPPedia

i'm not sure what you would like for me to put on this page, i make changes to it, and u strip it. It may be a little easier, if I didn't need 20 years of collage to understand the instuctions. a little help would be nice. I mean I thought I was doing pretty well. you tell me to clean it up, but don't tell me what to clean up. You tell me it's a stub to expand it, I expand it you cut it in half. help here please..

A good place to start is to look at other crew and flag pages that are already in place and considered an acceptable standard of page. You previously had excessive links in your page - items only need to be linked the first time in a page, not every time they occur, as you had put them. In addition, the main body of your page seems to be more of a point of view about why things happened than actual factual information. It's important to distinguish between the two, as these pages should ideally contain factual information, not the thoughts of one person in particular on a subject about which they may be biased. --Redbeardsage 11:18, 20 March 2006 (PST)
Also, your grammar is a bit weak. You've confused "it's" and "its" in several places. Good spelling and grammar are very important for the YPPedia. Thanks! --Barrister 11:20, 20 March 2006 (PST)