
From YPPedia

Skelly skull and trashing

I just looked and noticed the Trash menu item for my skull (skelly). Didn't try to do it, because I didn't want to lose the skull I just won :P. The backsword does not have a Trash menu item. Is it possible to actually trash a skull? --Thunderbird 21:36, 29 September 2005 (PDT)

Tested, and aye, it can be trashed, it gives ye a warning box wi' OK and Cancel texts. If ye want, I can trash another skull and get a screenie of it.--Vurogj 22:18, 29 September 2005 (PDT)

Trashing swords

This doesn't appear possible, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't get the Trash option for my backsword or stick on Midnight. --Thunderbird 02:35, 14 December 2005 (PST)