
From YPPedia

Shaylea is a pirate from the Viridian ocean. She started playing Puzzle Pirates in 2005 as the pirate 'Sylavania'. In 2006, Shaylea (As Sylvania) took a break from the pirate world for two years, until 2008 when she rejoined as Shaylea.

    Shaylea has met so many amazing people so far on Puzzle Pirates, and hopes to meet more in the future. 

One of these people was Daydreamer (Now Solitario) who was her first captain, of the crew 'Dreamer's Destroyers'. In this crew Shaylea met people such as Skittlle, Solitario, Dales, Elricangel, Deppyjohn, Lidiathegrea, Krisy, Lanaca and many more. Although she doesn't speak to all of these people now, she still speaks to Skittlle and Solitario.

  Her friend Gillmorenas then started his own crew, in which she was once again Senior Officer, after a Merge with another crew, Shaylea went on to Reccy's crew, which she became captain of as Reccy isn't always online. Shaylea is currently with Geologist and her best friends are Gillmorenas and Skittlle. Bennyboi is her nub.