
From YPPedia

Out of game information - suggestions for editing

As well as preserving the existing text on a user page, it could also remain in this article if suitably modified.

Pishkirlin (born May 13, 1678) is an Tuscan privateer

Since the birth date falls within the Golden Age of Piracy (1560s - 1720s), it could be considered to be consistent with the Y!PPedia universe.

Pishkirlin was born in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany under Cosimo III de' Medici. He spent his childhood in Broglio, fief of Baron Ricasoli, where his father was running a distillery. He studied Rhetorics at the University of Siena, then Diplomacy in at the Episcopal College in Portogruaro. Once he accomplished his studies, the Bishop of Concordia sent him as court official to Brussels, in the Duchy of Brabant. His stay was brief because of the beginning of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1701.

Pishkirlin returned to Italy in the tumult of the war, and offered his services to the Prince Eugene of Savoy, commander of Austrian army. His purpose was to struggle for the liberation of his homeland from the Spanish dominance, but he soon realized Habsburg house would have overtaken the rule of Italian territories. Persuaded that he could have found the key of the balance of power at the eastern borders of Austrian Empire, Pishkirlin moved to Jassy, in the Pricipality of Moldova. Here he met the Princess Pirilina, last heir of Tudor of England and engaged with her.

Being accused of high treason, in July 1706 was sentenced to death in absentia by a court in Chernivtsi, and fled to Odessa. The exile sailed back first to Mediterranean Sea eventually finding his way to Sage Ocean.

Tuscany can't be found on or reached from the Sage Ocean. It's sort of strange to reference historical figures who existed in the real universe as opposed to the Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates universe. From the latter universe's point of view, these "real" people are actually fictional. What may work is to remove specific names and places from the roleplay text.

In a seaport inn, he met Catti, an immigrant from Italy and member of Fratelli della Costa, a crew aiming to gather all the Italian pirates of Sage in order to sail back to Italy and fight for its independence.

Is one of the aims of the crew Fratelli della Costa really to sail back to Italy and fight for independence? That the crew aims to gather Italian players of pirates on Sage together is fine though.

-- Faulkston 10:50, 25 November 2006 (PST)