Talk:Hitchikers of Sage

From YPPedia

Wouldn't it be easier just to label the info 'Crew Statement' instead of to change every pronoun? --Supreem1 07:50, 6 June 2006 (PDT)

Only because it actually is your public statement. Updated. What would really help from you is some historical info, now, above the statement. Who founded your crew? Who's been Captain? How'd you get in your flag, and what others have you been in? That would make for good wiki. --AtteSmythe 08:54, 6 June 2006 (PDT) (Edit: Just saw that you're not the primary editor, so apologies for assuming it's your crew, if it's not. Regardless, these are questions I'd like to see answered, so I'll leave 'em up. )