Talk:Event E2/Proposal Frogkissed11

From YPPedia

Possible reboots, Neither coordinator is able to log on.

One would think if you or your helpers/volunteers wont be able to be online to run your event you shouldnt host it. Shandra (Taco)

I'm talking about something freak, like the power being out or the server being down. (Jaina)

Doh! In my experience, you just put in an adendum somewhere stating that if x,y,z happens the tourney for the day will be postponed for x amount of time sorry for any inconvenience blah blah blah. Shandra (Taco) -PS Either which way, even though I suck at TD and generally dont like it, I *love* this event idea. Would love to see it done even if ya dont short list.

Aye, I plan to either way. Tho, I'd bump back all of the dates. The fun part was figuring out what days to do what times (and co-ordinate my work schedule), I wanted em scattered so that hopefully all time zones get a chance to play in at least one. (Jaina)

Only 4-drop?

All of these are on regular oceans, with 4 levers.

None are on Ice, taking advantage of the 3 lever (really mean) and 5 lever (really fun) options.

Ice would enforce "subscription", which is otherwise the same as requiring that winners be subscribers on Midnight.

It would also permit, based on scheduling, dubbers to play in the final.

(I'm a little biased against a tourney that awards a familiar only to subbers and excludes dubbers)

Since I only really play on Midnight, and barely have 1k to my name on Ice, Ice would be out of the question. As for doing the same tournament on one of the Doubloon oceans, if someone wanted to do the same there, thats more than fine by me. I want to do an event that does not rely on the OMs for all of the prizes. With the exception of the familiar, I can provide all of the other prizes out of my own pocket. As for not letting non subscribers participate, because of the limited amount of time we have to actually run said event, I would have scheduled them on Mondays and Thursdays, but with only 4 of those with in the time, I would have to have done 4 a day, with the final being the 5th on the final Thursday. If more time were given (And if I don't short list I would like non subscribers to be able to participate, the event would be stretched out over the course of 4 and 1/2 weeks, to allow everyone to play.)(Jaina)