
From YPPedia

Hilarious solgun, but it should be written more fact-based, not opinion based. Dom


[Solgun] - As of 15:07 GMT, OCT 24, 2006

I don't see what you find hilarious or opinionated about any of this, it pretty much sums you up in a single page. I have yet to see any substantial editing to the information I've placed here, beyond some formatting, which makes me think you have problems differentiating detailed facts from sheer opinion. I believe my description of you was particularly neutral, in this instance; unbiased by opinions.

Also, put dates on your bloody posts so we can keep track of when they were made. Saves us both a lot of confusion.

If you're interested, we can post your real-life persona up here along with a photo, much like Cleaver's Yppedia page. That's entirely up to you, of course.

If there are any more... *coughs* "opinions", as you call them, that I've forgotten to post here, please indulge me. I'd love to make this page as *hacks* "biased" as possible.


[Solgun] - As of 15:01 GMT, OCT 26, 2006

I take it you were responsible for the latest edit, Domo? With the exception of a few strange-looking grammatical flip-flops, you did yourself some serious justice here. =P

By the way, "gleaned" is a real word, my friend. In this context, it means to scrape together resources or intel from one or more sources. "Gleamed", on the other hand, means to shine with a luster, so your correction on that particular verb was actually a miscorrection.

Keep up the good work, though! I'm going to be tinkering around with some other pirate pages, and I'd love your help.