
From YPPedia

There's nothing hugely obvious that suggests he's a Sage player. What are the criteria for determining which oceans a player is tagged on? Also, in general, is there any set rule on what to do about players who were tagged on a given ocean, but since moved exclusively to another? Thanks. --Pauling 15:26, 19 September 2006 (PDT)

He plays a lot on Sage these days, which isn't onbvious due to lack of content in this article. There isn't technically a policy on deciding what ocean to define players as being on - it's pretty much up to them. Often if they have a portrait gallery on another ocean from their main one, they'll get tagged for that ocean. Also - players who move oceans keep the tag for their old ocean as the YPPedia is a historical resource and it keeps track of the pirates' achievements across oceans and time. :) --Featherfin 23:48, 19 September 2006 (PDT)