
From YPPedia
Trophy link.png
Portrait link.png
Pets button.png
Item box unequip.png
Pets-Rat colors.png

Deeds button.png
Deed ship.png Deed to the Sloop 'Advanced Hammerhead'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Sloop 'Intolerant Marlen'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Sloop 'Lazy Stickleback'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Sloop 'Slugish Angler'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Sloop 'Stupid Blowfish'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Sloop 'Well-Behaved Sawfish'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Cutter 'Demented Chub'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Cutter 'Tricky Bullhead'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Cutter 'Wrong Pollack'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Fancuan 'Hard Mummichog'

Deed ship.png Deed to the Junk 'Murderous Sea Devil'

Deed ship.png Deed to the War Brig 'Skillful Tuna'

Deed ship.png Deed to the War Brig 'Talkative

Deed ship.png Deed to the War Frigate 'Free Bullhead'

Syruz is the Captain of the crew Ocean Raiders, and the King of the flag Sea Shepherds. He has been playing for a few years now, and over this time as accumulated ALOT of Vessels. He is a friendly person and loves to help people whenever he can. He is also lieutenant in the Admiral Navy in the Gull Archipelago.

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