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Souljaslim is a pirate on the Sage Ocean.



Souljaslim started his pirate life in early 2006. He started off by joining many large crews. After realising that those crews would get him nowhere fast, he decided a smaller and more hearty crew would help him rise through the ranks more quickly, so he joined The Unknown Kings. At the time, the crew was led by Pieminister.

It was in this crew that Souljaslim came across pirates that helped change his puzzle pirate life forever, such as Surgemate, Sandwhich, Pieminister and Sparow, whom Soulajslim looked up to most. After sometime Sandwhich left to create his own crew also recruiting Souljaslim, and promising him a the rank of fleet officer. Souljaslim agreed but on one condition, that Sandwhich would recruit his mate, Surgemate. Sandwhich happily accepted the offer and gained a fleet and senior officer.

After sometime Souljaslim left the game due to personal reasons, why and how long he left is uncertain at this time, but when he came back, he was distraught to find that his crew had disbanded and he was now only an independent pirate. He quickly contacted Surgemate to find out what happened. After hearing that the crew was no more he was offered a new crew and new rank, senior officer, in Surgemate's crew Dragon's breath.

Souljaslim met new hearties in this crew, Tiggersmommy and Mac. If pirates are ever jobbing for Dragon's breath, they can hear the warmth and love of this crew. After a while Surgemate left puzzle pirates, leaving the crew and flag in the hands of Mac, who may not be known for her pillaging skills but rather her warm heart for those close to her, which makes her better than any other captain or queen in all of the oceans. Souljaslim and Mac wed on Friday 10th November 2006, they remarried on Friday 6th April 2007. After some time they broke up an later decided to be good friends instead.

Souljaslim left Dragon's Breath in search of a much larger crew an flag who loved blockades and wanted to gain control of an isle. His search led him to a hearty's crew who is also the captain. Bootydropper was the name of this captain and his crew was Numero Uno. At the time Souljaslim joined the crew, it flew under the flag Raving Notion. While he was there he met new hearties such as; Laurel, Siberian, Tropicalgal, Boiwonder and many more. His crew currently changed flags to the fun loving flag Good Grief. Souljaslim, widely known as Soul or Soulja will have more memories to be made in Y!PP.