Skull and Dagger (Cobalt)

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Skull and Dagger at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Denaila
Senior Officer(s) Lune, Varial
Politics Oligarchy
Shares Promotion Pays
Flag Affiliation Fortified Corruption
Dormant as of 7 January, 2006

Skull and Dagger was formed on December 11, 2005 by Denaila and Lune of Terra Island. They dreamed of creating a mighty army that would one day conquer all of Cobalt Ocean.

Public Statement

1. Do yer job to the best of yer ability.

2. Don't complain when the cap'n gives ye orders.

3. Multi-jobbers are rewarded. If ye'd like to take more than one position, let the officer in charge know when ye come aboard.

4. We understand that ye might have to leave, but please let us know a little while beforehand if possible. Also, please don't leave during battles, as it puts yer crewmates at a disadvantage.

5. When we're in a battle, make sure ye're teamed up in groups of 2 or 3. If ye don't know how to team up, ask somebody.

6. Don't be rude to yer mates.

7. We will notice and reward diligent workers and people who impress us. This amounts to a greater share of the booty. Work hard and ye will get compensated appropriately.

8. If ye piss me off, I'll plank ye. Period. If ye're planked, ye get NO BOOTY.

9. We don't do promotions based on membership alone. If ye want te be promoted, ye'll have te work hard and earn our trust over time. We'll let YOU know when we think yer ready fer a promotion. Don't be askin us a whole bunch, or we'll revert ye to rule 8.