
From YPPedia
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The Beginning

Silverslayer washed up on the shore of Aimuari Island in the mid months of 2006. After learning his way about the piratey life, he decided to take on his life as a jobber. He ended up finding a crew he particularly liked, Spirit of the Lord Two (under the command of Gojopirate), and joined up with them, later finding out they were an all-officer crew. His pirating days had begun.

Spirit Of The Lord Two

Soon after joining the crew, Silverslayer befriended many of the people in it, including Gojopirate, Crystalangel, Avantis, Orrpheus, and a couple of officers and fleet/senior officers. Later, Gojopirate found him the right person to hand over the crew to. Acting as the new captain, Silverslayer did his best to keep the crew as Gojopirate had it, but was eventually forced to change it into a normal crew. With the support of Crystalangel, the crew managed to survive the massive change, but losing quite a few of its around 250 members that they had at the time. Eventually, Silverslayer was forced to leave the game, entrusting the crew with Crystalangel.