Shouyang's War Conduct

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These rules are used by Maelstorm of Sage. These are fairly useful rules that can be copied to other flags. Please note royalty effect on sea battles has no affect.

A.1: Standard Flag Battles

Between the first act of war there will be no sea fights. Battles that happen must be from the captain, ALL fights should be noted. The captain must be held for mis-engagement.

-sinking in first act - allow only on noted fights by both captains in blockades. -spying- noting ships and islands permitted. -ending act is of both flags declaring war.

A.2: War

Sinking-allowed Ransom-allowed Blockades-allowed Mass teaming, example: a brig against a cutter-not allowed


The only way to make ransoms are to max your target and ask the commanding officer of the other ship to subject to ransom instead of sinking. Most ransom will happen on these terms.

Ship A maxed ship B and has the load to sink their ship while ship B cannot move. Therefore, if ship B surrenders, he must dump his supplies and pay 5k per every officer on ship. If this cannot be payed ship B will give the deed to an officer of the other crew. If not the ship will be sunk.

If ship B gives the money and dumps the supplies, ship A will grapple ship B. Ship B will be contacted to max themselves out and lose. This ensures that ship B is not hiding something.

Before we go into other things, both kings and captains must agree to follow the punishments.

A break in a rule will be considered as deserting the conduct. Both kings must agree to use this set of war rules before using this. If both do not agree this is considered unofficial.