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Sharkezzki first came to the Hunter Ocean in 2009. She had previously been a Hunter pirate until the break-down of sailing equipment (i.e. her laptop!) caused her to become a landlubber for a little while. When she returned, she found that her previous host had gone missing due to her inattentiveness (probably just shipwrecked on an island somewhere, poor thing) and so she set about creating a new and improved pirate.

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • Captain and founder of Man O'War, Princess of Emperor of Poseidon.
  • Captain and founder of Electric Mayhem.


Created Electric Mayhem and enjoyed the life of a Captain for awhile. When this life became too lonely, she merged crews with Alpha and Omega and settled into being an SO. Realising that she was, in fact, power-mad, she left the merged crew and created Man O'War. She now rules the sea with an iron fist, or at least, a crazed one.