shadow sailers

From YPPedia
Shadow Sailers at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Eugene
Senior Officer(s) Theronin
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Promotion Pays
Flag Affiliation The Shadows
Founded 30 January, 2006
Dormant as of 6 June, 2007

shadow sailers was a crew on the Sage Ocean.


shadow sailers was founded January 30th, 2006. By the 6th of June 2007 the crew was dormant.

Public Statement

this is a very easy going crew. as long as you don't act like a total idiot or be very annoying i won't plank you. oh and if u try to weasel your way into becoming a officer or above i will dismiss u if u wanna be an officer just ask. also don't try to tell me wut to do in a sea battle cause its distracting and that makes us lose. IF U HAVE NEVER GUNNED OR NAVIGATED BEFORE ONIT ASK TO DO SO! AND DON'T SULK AND LEAVE IF U DO AND I SAY NO! obviously the objective for those in theis crew is to rise through the ranks to earn more money per pillage ( this is why i have set up the booty to be divided by the "promotion pays" rule. DON'T EVER TELL ME WHAT TO DO WHEN IM NAVIGATING A BATTLE CASUE I WILL THROW U OFF THE SHIP RIGHT AFTER!!!! because its very distracting and most of the time you have no idea what your talking about. i always try to trick opponents so it will look like im not moving the ship but i will at the last second. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A PIRATE OR ABOVE DOES NTO MEAN U CAN GUN WITHOUT ASKING. PLEASE ASK FIRST.

2. THESE ARE SOME THINGS THAT WILL RESULT IN BEING PLANKED FROM THE SHIP OR DEMOTED: swordfighting each other while were sailing, refusing to do a puzzle because its boring, nto responding to orders and lazing about for a pillage, say you will watch from the crows nest ( that is NOT a job) attempting to promote yourself by raising a crew issue (just ask me), attempting to direct a sea battle, just being an idiot, refusing to listen to the commanding officers, typing incessantly ( it actually happens a lot), doing any puzzle thats not related to the ship ie swordfighting or drinking or treasure drop, ASKING ME TO BUY U A BADGE!!!!!! I AM NOT RICH!!! AND I CAN'T JUST GIVE U 10K!!!!!, and anyhting else u think is bad.

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