Senses Fail

From YPPedia
Senses Fail at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Mikeymike
Senior Officer(s) Mcgiggles, Maharat, Lumnaresk, Edimosios, Captnjeffrey
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Esoteric
Founded 23 September, 2007
disbanded as of 20 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

Senses Fail was a crew that sailed the Hunter Ocean.

Public Statement

This captain goes down with the ship All hands on deck stand hip-to-hip I shout the orders, "Shoot To Kill!" Im Dressed To Thrill, Im Dressed To Thrill. And all my enemies. I want their eyes to see, Their captain walk the plank, Destroy them

Extended Public Statement

Sail with me into the setting sun The battle has been won, but the war just begun And as we grow. emotion starts to die, We need to find a way, just to keep our desires alive. Now set the sail to quarter mast, We'll jump the ship, we'll sink 'em fast. Follow me to victory, Red as the sea, Red as the sea. And to the cannons roar, Their bodies dance ashore, A pirate's life for me, I won't go quietly.

Rank Expectations And Duties

  • Pirate--- Keep puzzling and learn the basics of the game.
  • Officer--- You know the basics so work on Navigation and Battle Navigation.
  • Fleet Officer--- Run your own pillys once in awhile and continue to work on your stats all around.
  • Senior Officer--- Puzzle alot gain experience in all puzzles be able to decently Battle Navigate a ship. Also help out fellow officers and pirates when needed.
  • Captain--- Thats me, if you ever need anything such as a few poes to put food on the table or help learning a puzzle please let me know.


You may see that some peoples stats aren't suitable for their rank in this crew but I don't base a person's rank completely off their puzzling talent. For example if I had a person with a little better stats but just met him compared to someone I can trust, the person I can trust will get the desired rank. So puzzle well and have a good time and I'll be sure to give you that promotion the instant I find you fit for your next position.

General Rules

  • 1-- PTB (Permission to Board) is needed once a ship is at sea.
  • 2-- Don't take advantage of my kindness please or I will be harsh towards everyone.
  • 3-- Have fun and don't torture fellow crewbies in any way you wouldn't like being tortured.

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