Sea Battle Damage Counter

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ATTENTION: This application is a defunct third party tool.
This is a defunct third party tool. This means that it no longer works and/or is broken.
It has been developed independently by a Puzzle Pirate player(s). It is not created, supported, or endorsed by Three Rings or Grey Havens.
Players use third party tools at their own risk. For a full list of third-party tools, see this category list.
For official rules and regulations regarding the use and acceptable functionality of third-party tools, see this page.

Sea Battle Damage Counter is a third-party application. With a few simple button clicks, it will keep track of the damage you have caused and the damage you have taken during a Sea Battle. All you have to do is click when you hit your opponents, they hit you, either of you hits rocks, or you collide.

It allows you to select both your ship type and their ship type. If you realize in the middle of a battle that you have the wrong ship selected, simply change and it will update on the fly based on hits/rams/collisions you have entered so far.

It also has a button to copy the score to the clipboard so that you can easily paste it into Y!PP chat. A note on the score: the damage count is given in two ways. The first is a count in the number of relative cannonballs you have been hit by. It is relative to the size of your opponents shot. If you are in a War Brig, fighting a War Frig, that means that your damage is in terms of large shot, and their damage is in terms of medium shot.

As well as giving you damage count this way, it also has an option to show percent of max SF damage, SF lines of damage (in the form 1.5 meaning 1 line, 3 blocks) and percent of sinking damage.

This application is maintained by Michaud and is developed in Java.

Version History

Version 1.4.4 - March 24, 2006

- Added info below ship showing shots to max / sink

Version 1.4.3 - March 23, 2006

- Changed the default display to SF Lines

- Reordered the radio buttons to put SF Lines on the left

Version 1.4.2 - March 21, 2006

- Undo button now will undo multiple actions

- Undo button also disabled when no actions left to undo

- Each button shows a count of how many of each action has been counted

Version 1.4.1 - March 18, 2006

- Yellow changed to be more easily readable

- Added options to display SF %, SF Lines, or Sink %

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