Scottish Seadogs
From YPPedia
Scottish Seadogs at a Glance | |
Sage Ocean | |
Last Captain | Lcawte |
Senior Officer(s) | Hiot |
Politics | Oligarchic |
Shares | Jobber's Delight |
Flag Affiliation | Scottish Seakings |
Founded | 6 May, 2007 |
dormant as of 25 February, 2012 | |
Scottish Seadogs is a dormant crew on the Sage Ocean which belongs to the flag Scottish Seakings. The current Captain is Lcawte.
[hide]Promotion Requirements
These are the correct Promotion Requirements to gain a rank in Scottish Seadogs.
Cabin Person
- Join the Crew
- 1 Broad and 1 Distingused (In Piracy skills)
- 1 Solid, 1 Broad and 1 Respected or 3 Broads and 2 Distingused (In Piracy skills)
Fleet Officer
- 1 Solid, 1 Broad and 1 Respected or 3 Broads and 2 Distingused (In Piracy skills)
- Deed to a ship.
- Trust of the Captain or 2 Senior Officers.
Senior Officer
- Been in the crew a while.
- Trust of the Captain (Lcawte)
- Be nammed Lcawte
Public Statement
We are the Seadogs of sage, but not quite Scottish.
Extended Public Statement
Crew Stalls and Shoppes
Type | Name | Island |
Ironworking | Lcawte's Ironworking Stall | Admiral Island |
Weavery | Felismajor's Weavery Stall | Caravanserai Island |
Lcawte's Weavery Stall | Arakoua Island |
Internal Links
- Scottish Seakings - YPPedia Flag Page