
From YPPedia

This article is about a Toolbox for ScenePainter. It extends the functionality of ScenePainter.

Tool Overview
Name imageutils.jar

Imageutils contains two tools to use with images.

Cut & Import

This tool enables import of images containing more than one sprite like this ScenePainter SpritesExample.png.

Choose the desired image and enter how many rows and columns of sprites are present. With the provided example image that would be 2 rows and 6 columns. In the preview window you can see the result. The tool will create 2 times 6 images and import them into SP. Images will be numbered sequentially from left to right, top to bottom. In the example:

  • first row: 0 to 5
  • second row: 6 to 11 (11 will be empty)


This tool merges chosen layers of the scene and export them as PNG image. Select the desired layers, enter a file name and click Save. The exported image is now available under the image tab.