Satans' Chosen

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Satans' Chosen at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Cpnsparrow
Senior Officer(s) Halloway
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Death is a Virtue
Founded 27 May, 2007
disbanded as of 21 May, 2009

Satans' Chosen was a pillage hungry crew on the Cobalt Ocean that had been founded in the year 2007 on May 21st.

The Creation

Cpnsparrow had resubscribed after a 6 month break from Puzzle pirates. Wishing to be reunited with his old crewmates Cpnsparrow started Satans' Chosen.

The crew now has a couple of pillages a day and is renowned for Cpnsparrow's poker parties after a good pillage.

Satans Chosen Is currently flying the flag Death Is A Virtue which is currently under the leadership of Cpnsparrow.

Sparrow plans to have 4 senior officers lead the crew (including himself) as it grows biggger to cover all aspects of a pirates life - politician, puzzler, leader and friend.

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