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Satanael is a senior officer of the crew Dauntless Temper and a titled member of the flag No Parking.


Satanael has been playing Puzzle Pirates for a few years on and off. She used to play it with her little brother and learned under the guidance of someone she remembers as "Eagle", making it to fleet officer. Her brother eventually became captain and somehow made his own flag, but neither knew what to do with their own crew or flag and soon discontinued playing. Once her character had dusted and a year or so had passed, she got back into the game and created another character. Her brother didn't want to play again, so she joined a crew with Triplem as her capitan in the crew Crystal Blades of the flag Crystal Alliance. Both of her characters had the theme of "Kuroi", meaning "black" in Japanese, but Satanael does not remember her original names. After making it to FO again and getting bored again, she let her character dust and did not make a new one until a few months later. This time, she wanted her characters to have a demon theme and chose Satanael, hoping people would get used to calling her Satan. She took her time building her stats and looking for a good, polite crew and was eventually recruited by Firefrog in Dauntless Temper.


Satanael has a huge interest in computers and is rather skilled in Photoshop and Macromedia Flash. She was once an addict of Furcadia during elementary school, when she fell in love with scripting, and eventually taught herself HTML and CSS. Satanael also enjoys video games and likes to play Left 4 Dead (as Zoey, of course), Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Legend of Zelda, and Command and Conquer. Her favorite puzzle in Puzzle Pirates is carpentry, with alchemy as second favorite and dnav as third. Satanael also loves to draw and spends a lot of her time painting and doing artwork.

Recent Activity

Satanael has apparently been chosen by No Parking as their official intent maker (chosen by her royals, unbeknown to Satanael at the time) due to her intent video for their blockade against Admiral. Satanael also makes avatars.