
From YPPedia

Sammyjean sails the Cobalt Ocean. She is a senior officer in the Shrew Crew and a lady of the flag Static Before the Storm.

Sammyjean joined Puzzle Pirates in January 2007 and subscribed in late March of the same year. In this short space of time, she had sadly become addicted to the game. Sammy, as she is known by her friends, joined the Shrew Crew in November 2007, after having jobbed with them for quite some time. Sammy was lucky enough to have been considered "good Shrew material" and was promoted to Fleet Officer in February 2008. When Sammy was promoted to Senior Officer, only four months later, she was sure some sort of dreadful blunder had been made... but apparently not (or else nobody noticed their mistake) as she is still a Shrew, still an SO and even a Lady of the flag today!

Sammy enjoys sailing more than any other puzzle and prefers to be on top of the duty report if she can manage it, she likes the view from up there!!! Having finally achieved her Ultimate standing in sailing, she promptly lost it again (luckily managing to get the all important portrait first). Unfortunately, she will probably never attain her Ultimate standing in sailing again, due to her being so easily distracted by chat. Sammy can never resist the temptation to join in!

In fact, it would be fair to say that Sammy almost never shuts up... and it is the Shrew Crew's willingness to put up with her incessant chatter that has endeared them so to her. She hopes for a long, productive and happy association with such a wonderfully successful and fun-loving crew.

When not sailing, Sammy can be found bilging more and more often these days as she has discovered that even though she finds it tedious, she is quite good at it. As Sammy herself says:"Go figure!" Sammy has also started to enjoy giving orders and finds herself drawn more and more to the job of XOing on large pillages, Flotilla runs and Sea Monster Hunts. She often finds her planking finger getting itchy and being tempted to type /shout in crew chat when she hasn't done it in a while! But mostly, Sammy finds it easier to say please and thank you when dealing with greenies and recalcitrant jobbers. Sammy has also tried being MAA once and given the opportunity would relish trying it again. Sammy would like to thank all the people who have had faith in her abilities and have entrusted her with these important and exacting jobs.

Sammy is extremely affectionate and can often be found blowing Kisses.

Sammy recently became a roommate at Btza's villa on Fintan in the Onyx Archipelago. She is currently enjoying making his life a misery by ordering him around and spending all his poes on furniture. She has also talked Btza into making her manager at his Ship Wright stall and usually hangs around doing nothing but looking extremely decorative, whilst she totally distracts Btza from doing his job by asking him silly questions and generally talking about any subject unrelated to ship wrightery.

Other stalls that she has managed or has an interest in are Thevilone's weavery on Garden Cradle and Almaono's weavery on Dragon's Nest. Sammy sincerely hopes that Thevilone and Almaono kept a close eye on her activities at these stalls, since she freely admits that she had absolutely no idea what she was doing the whole time.

Having learned all she can from her managerial activities, Sammy has taken the unprecedented step of opening her own tailoring stall. With Liboi as her manager, she is assured of a successful outcome to her efforts.... as long as she lets him do all the work!

Sammy is addicted to having portraits painted and to buying clothes, two very expensive pasttimes. Thus, it is a very good thing that she has lots of wonderful friends who have invited her to be room mates at their various abodes across the Cobalt Ocean. This means that a) Sammy can save the money she would have spent on purchasing her own house and spend it on more important things and b) she has plenty of places to put wardrobes full of her precious clothes.

Sammy's motto is :" Well behaved women rarely change history. And I am rarely well behaved!" Most of her associates in the Shrew Crew would agree whole-heartedly with the latter half of this statement.


  • Fleet officer in #1 crew (Shrew Crew) as of March 11th, 2008
  • Member of #1 flag (Static Before the Storm) as of December 2007
  • Sublime/ultimate in flirting as of December 2007
  • Sublime/ultimate Sailing as of April 23 2008
  • Senior officer in Shrew Crew as of June 2008
  • Titled member (lady) of flag as of July 27th, 2008
  • Opened tailoring stall on Dragons Nest August 28th, 2008


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Sublime/Ultimate Flirting
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Sand dollar
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