Saints and Sinners/Ilha Da Aguia Competition

From YPPedia

Current Standings

Donation Standings
Rank Pirate Contributions Contribution Value Prize Preferance
1 Rocksmasher 376,000 Poe 376,000 Bank, Tailor, Ship, Iron, Row
2 Vernj 4 nSloops, 2 nWar Brigs, 1 nWar Frig 360,000 Bank, Tailor, Row, Iron, Ship
3 Letourneau 150,000 Poe 150,000 Bank, Row, Tailor, Ship, Iron
4 Alleanah 2 nWar Brigs 140,000 Bank, Ship, Iron, Row, Tailor
4 Skopjeskull 1 War Brig 140,000 Bank, Ship, Iron, Row, Tailor
4 Silvasurfa 1 War Brig 140,000 Tailor, Row, Iron, Ship, Bank
6 Imcursed 100,000 Poe 100,000 Bank, Row, Ship, Tailor, Iron
7 Florentina 9,000 Poe 9,000
8 Cargo 1,000 Poe 1,000

Last updated 2/14/10

n = nonsinking

How it works

  • The top Non-royal contributors to the Blockade will receive their choice of one of the prizes listed below.
  • Saints and Sinners currently needsSloops, War Brigs, War Frigs, or Straight Poe
  • All contributions must be sent to Aacprduction, Trilian, Ettoretwo, or Exarkun.

Poe Donations

These are very simple

1) Type /pay (X amount of Poe) Aacprduction (Or Trilian or Ettoretwo or Exarkun)**be sure to inform them when you do this**

Ship Donations

These are a bit more complicated, follow the steps.

1)Set your ship(s) to either "Crew Use Only" or "Battle Ready" depending on if you want your ship to be used in a sinking blockade or not.

2)Trade the Deed to the ship(s) to an alt

3)Have a royalty member invite your alt into the Blockade crew, Wheres the Rum

Contribution Value

Poe Donations

  • Quite simple, 1 Poe = 1 Poe

Ship Donations

  • For vessel that are Nonsinking Only, the Contribution Values are as follows:

Sloop = 25,000

War Brig = 70,000

War Frig = 120,000

  • For vessel that are for Sinking and Nonsinking, the Contribution Values are as follows:

Sloop = 50,000

War Brig = 140,000

War Frig = 240,000


  • Bank
  • Shipyard Bazaar
  • Ironmonger Bazaar
  • Row House Deed
  • Tailor Bazaar


  • Prizes will not be given out if Saints and Sinners does not win the island
  • Prizes listed do not receive any income or sell any products
  • Prizes change with the flag, so if Saints and Sinners loses the island, your prize will be lost
  • Prizes are given at the discretion of the royals. If we feel that only the top 2 contributors deserve a prize, then only the top 2 will receive a prize.