Sage Ocean Police

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The Sage Ocean Police was an alliance that started forming on the 26th of April 2007.


The project is a work in progress. Official mission statement and action plan coming soon.

New Island Opening Format

When & Where:

- May 5th: Sage

How will it work:

Each ocean has a list of "available" islands which may be opened, the first island on that list will be opened on the first date date listed by the ocean name. If that island is not claimed on that weekend, it will be closed and the next island on the list will be opened for the following weekend. This will continue until one island is opened or until all the islands have been attempted. If no islands are taken, then none will be opened for colonization.


  1. Deadlight Dunes
  2. Jack's Last Gift
  3. Ambush Island
  4. Scurvy Reef
  5. Bowditch Island
  6. Hinga Island (Large, Stork)

External Links