Rogue OM Squad V.V/Round 6

From YPPedia

12 are needed to keelhaul and 17 are needed for 75%

Up to date through post 1468.

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Shaimus Jaark, Mousebait, RaNazUra, Shaimus, Vireyda 5
SaintDane Flamez911, Swordholder, MeegerMary 3
Thefirstdude WingsOWisdom, 7hranduil 2
Luvessy Satin11, CandyK 2
Vireyda Luckyshot101, Luvessy 2
Kinocha Thefirstdude 1
Mrd84 SeastarX 1 Shaimus
Swordholder SaintDane 1
TOTAL VOTES Flamez911, Satin11, Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom, Swordholder, MeegerMary, SaintDane, Jaark, SeastarX, Shaimus, Luckyshot101, 7hranduil, Mousebait, RaNazUra, CandyK, Shaimus, Luvessy, Vireyda 17
(No Vote) Argemone, Kinocha, mrd84, Prosperity, Zandia 5