Robunmas is a pirate on the Hunter Ocean.
Robunmas was born on Quetzal Island on September 2006, after deciding to come to Hunter because of the increasing price of doubloons on Viridian. He hopped from crew to crew and he met a pirate of the same country as he was, and they became hearties. Kworksneggar later invited Robunmas to join his crew and made him a officer which Rob accepted gladly. He thus began his pirate career in the crew Dark Seas of the flag Brotherhood of Dragons. He got to know a lot fellow mateys and decided to settle in the crew. He rose through the rank becoming a Fleet Officer in two weeks and buying his cutter in another week.
Soon after, Robunmas was promoted to senior officer by the captain, Blackcat, and made a Lord of the flag. However, things did not last, Brotherhood Of Dragons was disbanded and Robunmas joined Kworksneggar's crew, Eagle's Eye, where he was SO and became a prince in the flag. This crew did not last long as well as Kworksneggar had some difficulties and passed the crew to Robunmas. Robunmas then merged with Blackcat's new crew, The Weyr of the flag Dragon Slayers, in which he became a Senior Officer.
A few misunderstanding with his fellow officers soon made Robunmas to decide to quit the crew and almost quit the game but he later found himself in The Weyr's sister crew The Young Gamblers(after kate talked him out of quitting). From young Gamblers, Robunmas rebuilt his reputation as a leader as he soon brought the crew numbers up, in less than 2 months, he was promoted to titled and even royal soon after.
Robunmas expended his fleet of ships that ranged from sloops to War Brigs. Soon, he had ten ships and was the crew's biggest ship holder. He then decided to try the outside world and became a officer in Up Your Booty after a lot of grueling test, where he met more elite friends and bought his pride and joy, a War Frigate.
However, Robunmas was asked to return to -Legacy of Nage- to help out because the captain was dormant. So Robunmas left Up Your booty and rejoined -Legacy of Naga-and retained his command of SO and prince of Dragon Slayers.He led his flag through ups and downs but he soon realised that his mates in the flag were not happy and in an attempt to keep them from quitting from the game, He merged his crew -Legacy of Naga- with Up Your booty, his heartfelt crew.
Due to real life difficulties, Rob hang his flag and was claimed by the Jolly Roger.
However, he now sails the flag of Cubelets as Revitalize on the Emerald ocean. Awaiting the 27th of May
- Finally being with kate!
Robunmas now has 25 ships under his command with multiple of them being renamed and painted
Some of his armada:
- Sloop >> Blazing Dragon, Burning Dragon, Golden Dragon, Neptune's Trident, Swirling Dragon, Ancient Dragon, Drunken Dragon, Freezing Dragon, Crystalized Dragon
- Cutter >> Turbulent Dragon
- Dhow >> Flaming Dragon
- Longship >> Icy Dragon
Ranks and position
Dark Seas:
- Officer
- Fleet Officer
- Senior Officer
Eagles Eyes:
- Senior Officer
- Captain
The Weyr:
- Senior Officer
Young Gamblers:
- Fleet Officer
- Senior Officer
-Legacy of Nage-
- Senior Officer
- Captain
Eternal Dragons:
- Senior Officer
Up Your Booty:
- Officer
- Fleet Officer
- Senior Officer
The Abyss
- Fleet Officer (current but dormant)