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Redkathleen is a senior officer of the Dragon Slayers crew on the Midnight Ocean.

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • Made the coveted title of Senior Officer
  • Is the soul source of attitude for the crew
  • Helped in putting together the crew Villa Party


Redkathleen's crew considers her one of the most fearsome pirates they have ever met. She's best known for her fast whit. Her sharp tongue has been known to bring the most hard-hearted pirate to his knees. She's truly a pirate that lives up to her bright hair color. This self-proclaimed loner pirate vowed she liked no one...not even her husband, Wargods. She quickly changed her mind when she met the Dragon Slayers. Working with the crew made her realize that there were other pirates of like mind and like insanity. Reluctantly warming up to this prized crew of misfits, she asked to join the crew and has never regretted a single moment -- at least her crew mates would like to think so.