Raleigh is a senior officer in the crew Underworld and a member of the flag Black Bones on the Sage Ocean.
Raleigh: Early Days
Raleigh came to Sage in 2007 and from the beginning he always wanted an Officer position. He wandered Sage mindlessly asking everybody to be an officer. After many weeks of just asking to be officer he became fed up and decided to try and raise his stats. He raised them to a point not beyond apprentice and asked again. He could not make officer position.
The Realization of PoE
Raleigh could not get officer but.. he did have some spare PoE on him. Believe it or not he bribed his first officer position because he hated puzzles so much. That made him a senior officer in a brand new crew. Since then he has realized what PoE can do for you and how he can use it.
Eventually the greenie Raleigh, with no stats above apprentice and a Senior Officer decided he wanted his own crew. This is the time when he actually buckled down. He raised all his stats to narrow, came up with the money and made a crew. Now this crew has not gone anywhere and neither has any of his other crews. At this time he is feeling the game is not right for him.
Rampage: Introducing The Real Life of YPP
Rampage came into Raleigh's YPP career in 2009- two years after Raleigh started the game. Rampage had been playing for just as long as Raleigh but was much more experienced. He had many familiars and ships and was plain rich. Raleigh sold his a Bagalah and a Sloop and they talked and became friends. Eventually Raleigh dropped the question, "how did you make so much money" At first Rampage was upset because everyone asks him that, but eventually he taught him how to trade.
Eventually Raleigh Traded on his own starting with old falchs and sloops and making his way up. He is now a self proclaimed trader. He recently got his first familiar and is enjoying every bit of it.