
From YPPedia

Qreatin is captain of the crew Morally Corrupt, and king of the flag Wicked Intentions.


  • Started on October 31, 2006
  • Former Captain of Mystic Dragons/Iniquity
  • Former Captain of Operation Mindcrime
  • Former Captain of The Depraved
  • Former Prince of Deadman's Vengeance
  • Former senior officer of Demon Angels


Q worked his way up through the ranks of Demon Angels until its merger with Death's Head in the early months of 2007. His role as senior officer was done, and it was time to start his own crew, Mystic Dragons - named after two of his ships, the war brig Fiery Dragon and the war frigate Flying Dragon. After rejoining Deadman's Vengeance, the crew name changed to Iniquity, and he was promoted to the royal staff as a prince and placed in charge of blockades and the department of war. He left Iniquity to start The Depraved and create a new flag. Iniquity soon followed to the new crew to become the jobbing / alt crew, until it's merger into The Depraved.

The Depraved was lost due to Senior Officer's negligence and is now incapable of being recovered.

His next crew was Operation Mindcrime which found a home in Illium_Eternae until his departure from the game.

In 2013, he returned to Emerald in his alt crew Tickled Pink and regained his crown with Wicked Intentions.


Qreatin has the reputation of having a sharp wit, and a quick tongue, but in all honesty, he just likes to have fun. Pirates who are on a blockade ship with Q driving, he'll most likely be wearing a kilt and belt and bracers.

"Battle Navigating naked is the ultimate in freedom," he said, "The chaffing of the salt water makes you just irritable enough to want to sink other ships."


Piqued, Pinq, Sinqdapinq, and many many more