Punks of the Sea

From YPPedia
Punks of the Sea at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Shootmepls
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Punks Of The Sea
Dormant or disbanded as of 30 December, 2009

Punks of the Sea was a crew on the Midnight Ocean flying the flag Punks Of The Sea.


Started by Dirtydent with his friends Shootmepls and Grethe this short-lived but family-like crew were tight-knit. The crew started out quite successfully with many new pirates. They made alliances quickly on the Midnight Ocean, but their success was short-lived. Like many crews out there, they died without the proper care they needed. When Dirtydent handed the reins to Shootmepls, the crew eventually dwindled and soon disappeared for good.