Prestige and PoE
[hide]Prestige and PoE!
Prestige and PoE is an event blockade to be held on Eclipse at the end of August, 2006. There will be 250000 PoE in prize money up for grabs and any flag may compete. The forum thread for this event can be found here.
Blockade Rules
The blockade will work in a similar fashion to Rhia's E2 event blockade on Viridian. A flag must spend prestige points every time a ship leaves the safe zone and enters the blockade board. This includes leaving and reentering the board with the same ship in the same round. The costs per ship are as follows:
- sloops = 1 point
- cutters = 2 points
- merchant brigs = 3 points
- war brigs = 4 points
- merchant galleons = 6 points
- war frigates = 8 points
- grand frigates = 12 points
If a flag has no prestige points left to spend, they may not field any more ships. The scoring per round will be based on how well each flag did at capturing flags during that round:
- 1st place : 6 points
- 2nd place : 3 points
- 3rd place : 1 point
- 4th place or more : 0 points
Prestige Points
Each registered flag will start with 20 Prestige points. There will also be a series of events in the weeks leading up to the blockade, where a flag can earn more prestige points. At the moment, the events that are planned to be held are: automated SF, drinking, TD and rumbling tourneys; sailing, carping, and bilging bakeoff; duty nav race; gunning contest; PvP windows; and other flag activities. More details about each prestige point event will be given as the date draws nearer.
The flag which scores the most points in the blockade will receive 200000 PoE and a collection of handkerchiefs and signet rings. The 2nd place flag will receive 50000 PoE.
Concerning alliances
Flags do not have to break their alliances to participate in this event. However, note the following restrictions:
- If you enter the blockade and are allied to another faction there, you might not be given credit for the flags you occupy. Instead, they might end up being scored for your ally. If this causes your flag to end up in a lower place at the end of the round, it's not my problem.
Blockade day and time
The blockade has been scheduled for Sunday, August 27 at noon. Looterati will be dropping the warchest on Eclipse but will not be participating in the blockade.
Current Status (updated 07:22, 24 August 2006 (PDT))
- Notorious Fandango - 44 prestige points
- Tyr's Own - 34 prestige points
- Dies Irae - 27 prestige points
- Nomads - 22 prestige points
- Paint it black - 20 prestige points
- Re-Birth - 20 prestige points