Portuguese Armada

From YPPedia
Portuguese Armada at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Ladychic (Deleted/purged)
Senior Officer(s) None
Organization yes
Politics Democratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Visionary Fantasy
Founded 5 September, 2007
Dormant as of 11 January, 2017
Art-Anocax-Portuguese Armada.jpg

Portuguese Armada was an Old School crew on the mighty Sage Ocean. It was founded September 5 of 2007 by Aimarpt (who died due to inactivity) and Ladychic, brother and sister and both Portuguese players. The initial dream was a union of all Portuguese speaking pirates, but soon they realized this was a bit of a utopia, joining afterwards the Visionary Fantasy. So passing through many inactive periods, Ladychic finally brought some fresh blood to the crew with some new good members and officers.

The persistent friendship and kindness that Portuguese Armada felt from their Flag mates was a serious help in their piracy career. This help is often made by our sweet hearty Misschrome.

Public statement

The Portuguese Armada stands for the Right and the Truth. As a member of this Crew you will be part of the fearless and most respected people and pirates of the Seven Seas.

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