
From YPPedia

...arrange furniture

The "Arrange furniture" interface. Click for larger view.

Decorating a house is an important part of pirate home ownership but can be confusing. Here's a few quick steps to get you started on your home improvement project.

1. While in the room you are wishing to decorate, choose arrange furniture from the house panel on the sunshine widget. Be sure that whatever furniture or paintings you wish to place are currently in your inventory.

2. Clicking on the arrange furniture button brings up the furniture interface showing the entire room. You may now drag any items of furniture from your booty inventory onto the screen to activate them.

3. The furniture will appear on the screen slightly transparent. In this mode you may move the mouse around to select exact location and use the arrow keys or mouse wheel to select object orientation or appearance.

4. When satisfied with placement and orientation, click the mouse and the object is placed and becomes solid. Continue process with as many furniture items as wanted in the current room.

5. Click commit changes on the left side of the screen to apply the changes to the room. At any time, you may also click cancel changes to exit the screen and return all non-committed furniture to your inventory.

Now you're set to decorate your own pirate house like a pro!