Polaris Rising

From YPPedia
Polaris Rising at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Monarch Shampoo of Wild Heart
Member crew(s) Wild Heart
Founded 3 October, 2006
Effectively dormant as of 23 April, 2009
Flags-Polaris Rising.jpg

Polaris Rising was a flag on the Sage Ocean that was founded in the year 2006 on October 3rd.

Public Statement

Polaris is the North Star that sailors use to guide them safely through the seas. We are that Flag, we are what others can look to for guidance. We are that guiding light; and we will quickly rise to the top.

Polaris Rising is a Flag that is fun-loving. Fun is our main goal; we pillage our guts out but it’s all about fun in the end. We have a very familiar and friendly atmosphere and comradery is one of our highest aspirations. We don’t have any current plans for a blockade but that doesn’t mean we won’t in the future. We will accept any crew into the flag that wants to join. If you would like to join please contact any Royal or the Queen and they will get you the invite.

As Queen it is my job to moderate all Flag decisions and problems. Other than myself there is an upper court and a lower court. The Upper court is made up of the royal members from each crew and the lower court is made up of the titled members of each crew. Even though only royals are technically given votes when proposals are made, when the Flag holds meetings all royals and titled members receive a voice. It is our goal to maintain a fair environment where everyone has a voice.

The number of royal/titled members is determined by crew size:

This is so that each crew gets the representation its size deserves, however, whenever possible a consensus is reached and everyone's opinions are taken into account

Each crew gets 1 royal and two titled for crew numbers under 100. After 100 each crew gets one additional royal and one addition titled member. The same goes for every next 100 crew members.

Any Flags wishing to join us as allies please direct yer request to a royal or titled member.

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