Polaris Isenstar

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Polaris Isenstar at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Monarch Lordtalek of Sovereign Brigade
Member crew(s) As Cunhas
Dormant or disbanded as of 7 August, 2008
Favicon.png Flag Info

Polaris Isenstar was a flag on the Hunter Ocean and was founded by King Lordtalek on January 18th, 2008.


Public Statement

We stride for Power and fame. To be known by all pirates and feared by other flags.

Extended Public Statement

Welcome to Polaris Isenstar, Ruling crew, Sovereign Brigade, and King Talek welcomes you to this glorious flag. Please Contact Lordtalek for any Alliance Porposals, War Declarations, Blockade Info and anything else.

Crew who join get 1 Royalty and 2 Titled Members to Start.

Over 30 Members: 1 Royalty and 3 Titled Members.

Over 60 Members: 2 Royalty and 4 Titled Members.

Over 90 and above: Will be Decided by the Ruling Monarch.

Private Statement

We have no Current Blockade Plans, we are currently looking for powerful alliances. Further Information about Private Statements for the Flag will be added later.