Poker by Night

From YPPedia
Poker by Night at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Willmac
Senior Officer(s) Captianjack
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Dawn of the Ash Fox
Founded 6 January, 2008
dormant as of 9 September, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

Poker by Night was a crew on the Midnight Ocean flying the flag Dawn of the Ash Fox.

Public Statement

Armed with poker chips =D

Extended Public Statement

I see you are cool person looking to join- (or my crew) a fantastic crew which will help you if ever troubled!!!

Ahoy all! Thanks for reading this! The rules are as follows -

Rules= boring but still read them- (or scan through)

1. Do NOT ask PTB any ship unless going into Flotilla, blockade or Atlantis

2. Any bad languaged to captain or SOs (senior officers) will result in a PERMENANT ban fron the crew

3. Ye MUST restock EVERY ship ( excludes YER ship ) the way it was

4. Have fun and make PoE

Yers sincerely :D Alena (dont forget yer poker chips =D)