Pissed Off Pirates

From YPPedia
Pissed Off Pirates at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Castlezion
Senior Officer(s) Phillipblack, Polyphemus, Wildman
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Faminto por Sangue
Dormant or disbanded as of 26 April, 2007

Pissed Off Pirates was founded on December 25, 2005.

Public Statement

Ahoy mates! We plan to be a tight knit group of great, friendly players! If you are looking to join ye can either contact Castlezion or Polyphemus.

When jobbing with us please be considerate to all people on board, especially her captain. We don't take kindly to those who laze or just like to be a nuisance. If you are asked to take a station and ye don't it will be off with yer toes! YAR! (proceeded by a planking and a loss of poe.) Also if you are going to leave our fine vessel in the middle of a mighty clash, you will be hit and bludgened to death with Polyphemus's dull stick. (proceeded by a planking and a loss of poe.)

Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for a bumpy ride full of loud bangs and maybe a little bit of sea sickness... Have fun and enjoy the wind smacking ya in the face.

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