Pirates o' the Caribbean

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(Redirected from Pirates o' the carribean)
Pirates o' the Caribbean at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Kimol
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 18 May, 2007
Dormant or disbanded as of 22 December, 2010
Favicon.png Crew Info

Pirates o' the Caribbean was an independent crew on the Hunter Ocean. This crew has been disbanded.

Popete was the captain of this crew. He started on Hunter Ocean as an independent pirate then decided to make a crew of his own to experience fine captaincy. He got help making and forming the crew from a pirate named Nickadimas who was also an independent pirate and then co-founder and a senior officer of the crew.

The crew was, at one stage, always ranked in the top fame of the Hunter Ocean. Its top alliance crew was Horizon Dwellers captained by Boardy and would always be its top alliance.

It was a happy crew and all the crew members intended to do was have fun in the game and be rich pirates.

Pirates o' the Caribbean flew the flag Saints And Sinners, governed by Boardy, and intended always to be in this flag.

Public statement

A once strong crew has been left to drift at sea.

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