Pirates are back

From YPPedia
Pirates are back at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Buccanerbobb
Senior Officer(s) Lucelia
Politics Democratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Return of Piracy
Founded 9 September, 2010
Dormant as of 9 September, 2012
Crews-Pirates are back.jpg

Pirates are back was a crew on the Sage Ocean the flew the flag of Return of Piracy.

Public Statement

The eminent crew, crew of pirates is back and recruiting

Extended Public Statement

pirate is the rank you get when you join. officer get 3 broads. fleet officer good stats and trust. senior officer very good stats more trust than fleet officer. cabin person punsihent rank mainly for miskladude for 2 mins captain no way am i giving this rank = )

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